Thursday, February 16

Calabasas Smoking Law

I don't know about you (Shoot, I don't even know who in the toodles reads this anyhow) but I really like the California smoking laws. When I was a kid restaurants had smoking sections and inevitably the non-smoking section smelled like a burnt out building. Now we are lucky to not have smoking in public buildings, restaurants and bars. This is nice and makes going out much more pleasurable. Unfortunately the state has started going further. Calabasas has joined Davis in outlawing smoking in almost every non-private area of town. Currently in Davis you cannot smoke anywhere in public (Parks, outdoors, etc) unless in a specified area. You also cannot smoke in your house or car unless the windows are closed. You will be fined unless you play dumb. Personally I don't nor never have smoked. I find it to be a pretty nasty little habit. I do enjoy the occasional cigar though in the comfort of my backyard. Something I couldn't do in Davis if I don't actually own the property (Sucks for renters).

I think this is going one step to far and one step closer to outlawing cigarettes. California recently classified cigarette smoke as a toxin. This will definitely lead to the banning and many lawsuits. I feel sorry for smokers. They are basically taking away a right that these citizens have as Americans. The biggest problem is that if cigarettes are banned in California, where will the government find the money to replace all of those tax dollars? After all we want to make as much money off of the smokers as we can before they keel over from emphysema.


Anonymous said...

I too am a non-smoker, but I don't agree with you saying that Calabasas has gone too far. Where exactly is it written that Americans have the RIGHT to smoke? We, as Americans, have plenty of rights, but our founding fathers, to my knowledge, never allowed for a RIGHT to smoke.

My opinion is that Americans can do whatever they desire, as long as it does not negatively impact others. Smoking, simply by the way second-hand smoke travels, impacts those who do not wish to smell smoke from others.

Thanks for allowing me to voice my opinion.

Anonymous said...

I to am a non-smoker, and I disagree with you. In our last home that we lived I could not enjoy my own patio that I paid outragous taxes for, because the two neighbors smoked on thier patio. The smoke came over to my patio and I had to make sure that I even closed the windows because the cartigens that landed within the home was enough to cause my son to have an asthma attack. We moved because of that. My dream home. I'm the smart one. I'm the one that doesn't smoke, but like in smoking section restrauants, I'm punished. Kath Teufel